Friday, 22 April 2011

Too Busy Relaxing...

 Busy, busy, busy! Ok, maybe not that busy. I slept so much and I feel so good! I just created a blog: CHECK IT OUT and follow. But before that I had hot chocolate (with foam!) and cinammon powder to top it off. Not to forget my fuzzy purple and white polka dot bathrobe (with matching slippers!)
What does all that have to do with me giving advice?

Here's the advice: Sometimes life throws so much at you and you feel like you can't handle it.And you feel like your life is coming apart. This is called STRESS.

Try to find something that will distract you! =D It doesn't matter if it's...

or even...

Whatever your method is, enjoy those rare & peaceful moments. Once you grow up, its all taxes, school fees, and bills.
So I'm going to enjoy life.
What about you?

You know you love me,

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