Friday, 15 April 2011

The Pimple Secret

Hey ladies! LilMissFashun in the house! I was just in the neighborhood, and decided to drop by. Ok, I came because I have a secret. A secret I am ready to let you know about! It’s the secret that may change your life.  FOREVER! A secret so secretive that only few know about it… I used to have pimples. Not like MAJOR pimples but enough to make me feel REALLY self-conscious.  (Ha-ha, this is funny…because I’m such a hyper person. People thought that one of my parents had died….LOL! I was that quiet!) But now that my pimples are under control I wanted to share the secret with YOU! Girl, if you don’t have pimples yet, you’ll get them. Just wait. So here is how to attack them:
You’ll need:
~Facecloth~~Towel~~Soap (bar or liquid)~~HOT water~~COLD water

1)      First, gather the above supplies.
2)      Wet down your face cloth with hot water. The water has to be so hot, the face cloth steams. Be careful not to burn your hands, though! When the face cloth is steaming, wring out the water, and place it on your face. This will open your pores. Repeat this process twice. Make sure your eyes are closed, unless you enjoy pain.
3)      After opening your pores, quickly wash down your cloth again with hot water and put soap on it. Then scrub your entire face, but concentrate on the infected areas. Let the lather rest for about 40 seconds. While waiting, wash your cloth down again with hot water thoroughly.
4)      Wipe the lather from your face thoroughly. Make sure none is left over.
5)      Rinse the cloth with cold water. Make sure the cloth is VERY cold. Then place it on your face. This will close your pores. Dry your face with the towel, but don't rub, just dab the water off.

Ok, be patient. You’ve only done it once. Do it a few more times! =) You’ll see! Here are a few tips:
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Avoid eating high glycemic foods like potatoes and peanuts.
  • Drink lots of water! It flushes toxins from your body and helps clear your skin.
  • OPTIONAL: Exercise a bit more. It can really help relieve stress and acne.
  • Rub your face with baby powder before bed and in the mornings. This dries up blemishes and helps prevent face invaders.
SO you'll go from pimple planet... a gorgeous pimple free diva.

  Comment and let me know if this was useful!
  You know you love me,
- LilMissFashun

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